Terms & Conditions
This website constitutes the training platform of the Association France Terre d’Asile. The site is built upon the Moodle LMS which is a learning system under free licence.
24, rue Marc Seguin (chez Cemea)75018 PARIS
SIRET : 81334851300017
The publishing director is: Mr. Pierre HENRY
Learning Design and Development and hosting:
Pimenko : https://www.pimenko.comFilm Production
Brigitte MartinezWith the support of
Eike Nogueira, Gary Berrios, Laura Sage.
France Fraternité
Images and video editing: Rémi Geoffroy
Logo and teaser:Antidox
Intellectual property
All of the elements published on this website, in particular: the texts, photographs, logos, graphical elements, animated sequences with or without sound, brands etc. are under French and international legislation on Intellectual Property.Cookies
France terre d’asile uses cookies to collect non-personal information in order to determine the number of visitors to the website as well as the pages consulted. The collection of this information allows us to adapt our website in order to better suit your needs. By using our website and our online services, you authorize us to put cookies on your devices.All full or partial reproduction of these elements in electronic documents without the prior consent of “France terre d’asile” is forbidden. All of the personal information collected is for the sole use of “France terre d’asile”. No personal information is given to third parties. You dispose of the freedom to access and modify personal data about you. If you want to use this right, contact the webmaster at the following address: webmaster@ethicweb.com. When the data present on this website have a nominative character, the users should use this in conformity with the legislation in place and the recommendations of the CNIL.